Intuitives Interactive - Beyond the Sky, A Lifetime of Alien Contact: Landi Hurd
Sunday, August 20, 2017
2:30–4:30 pm (Doors open 2:00 pm)
Social time: 4:30–5:00 pm
Suggested donation: $10 at the door
(but pay what you can!)
Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!
Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle"
This lecture will cover Landi Hurd's experiences with alien beings since childhood, and her conclusions as to where humanity is being directed. There will be time for Q&A after her talk. [RESCHEDULED FROM MAY 7]
From the age of seven, Landi has experienced interaction with both extraterrestrial and spiritual beings, through physical contact, out-of-body encounters, in visions, dreams, and channeling. At the urgings of these beings, the Michigan native has written and published a book, Beyond the Sky: A Lifetime of Alien Contact. Landi will have her books on sale at the Meetup, as well as displaying drawings of her experiences.
She has been a frequent guest on local and national radio and TV, and was one of six people chosen to be featured in Naked Eye Production’s documentary “Abduction Diaries,” which aired on the Sci-Fi channel preceding Steven Spielberg’s series “Taken.”
It is Landi’s hope that, through her lectures, she can help to open the minds of those who may truly question the existence of these beings.
To contact Landi, email her at:
INTUITIVES INTERACTIVE is a group for adult Intuitives, Indigos, Empaths, Starseeds, and others wishing to explore metaphysical topics with like-minded individuals. Meets on the first and the third Sundays of the month, 2:30-4:30 pm. Doors open 2:00 pm. Social time 4:30-5:00 pm.
There will usually be at least one psychic reader and one energy worker/healer available after the Intuitives program, with whom attendees can book a session at reasonable rates or for a donation. Every two months, one Sunday is devoted to intuition practice.
Our goal is to create a safe space for people to hear about the intuitive experiences of others and to share their own. This has included group discussions, presentations, psychic development exercises, and social time for people to get to know each other better.
$5-$10 donation required to cover venue rental, supplies, and facilitator/speaker compensation — we want you to participate in the flow (Law of Giving and Receiving). So please give as you are guided and for the value you receive in being part of the group. We look forward to seeing all of you there to shine your lights and share!
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