May Psychic Saturday Party
Saturday, May 12, 2018
AND DOOR PRIZES for those who arrive in the first hour!
Admission: $3 at the door
Readings & Energy Work:
$2/minute (15-minute minimum)
Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!
Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle"
Join us for a fun-filled day at the Enlightened Soul Center! At our monthly ESC Psychic Parties, we have a variety of readers and healers for your enjoyment, along with occasional vendors for shopping! WHAT A GREAT WAY TO EXPLORE A VARIETY of readings and healings at one time, under one roof!
Sign up for readings and energy work at each individual practitioner's clipboard, centrally located on the main table. Session lengths vary
(15 minutes minimum), $2/minute.

of our next parties:
2nd Saturday of each month!
June 9
July 14
August 11 - New Moon
September 8

Daniel James - Angel Innovation
Daniel James has a total of 30 years experience and is here to serve the public. He is a shaman, psychic, medium, healer, and teacher of metaphysical arts. He is sensitive to the needs of people and also to the Spirit realm. Daniel works with Spirit, Archangels, and guides to give you the answers to your most urgent questions, and to channel healing. Love relationships are his forte', but his gift also works with manifesting, money, wealth, and career. Daniel is also a Life/Relationship/Business Coach, helping people to live the life of their dreams.
Contact Daniel at: 734.731.1922, oracle4u2012@yahoo.com
Rev. Amy Garber - Metafizzy LLC
Amy is clairvoyant, clairaudient, a medical intuitive, and channel for her Master Guide, Philonius. Featured on an Ann Arbor episode of HGTV's "Househunters," she perfectly described the house that would be purchased. Amy aids you on your path by consulting with your Higher Self/soul, your spirit guides, and your angels, for the highest good of all concerned. Her readings can explore your current incarnation and past lives. Future predictions, if warranted, usually come with a numerical percentage of probability — because of the free will of everyone involved.
Contact Amy at: metafizzy@gmail.com, 734-358-0218

Selene Negrette - Spirit Whispers with Selene
Selene is a certified Angel Intuitive, which means that she can read a person’s aura and let them know what Angels they have. She can relay the messages the Angels have for you, as well as give you the answers to your questions from the Angels. Selene began to connect with the Angels after she lost her oldest son to cancer. She learned that those who have died are closer to us than we think and that the same is true of the Angels. Her life’s mission is to help others to welcome the pure vibration of the Angels into their lives in order to transform it for the better.
Contact Selene at selenenegretteauthor@yahoo.com, or on Facebook: @spiritwhispersselene

Pam Zientar
Pam is a Channel for the Higher Realms. She works with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elementals, Fairies, and other dimensional beings. She is a medium/psychic and healer. She also works with Animals. Pam is a teacher, writer and spiritual guide to assist you in releasing patterns from trauma, abuse, and other issues that keep you from being your authentic self. Pam has been working with the spirit world since she was four years old.
Contact Pam at: angelsnfairies444@gmail.com, 248-219-2055
Rev. Lori Irvin, is a Medical Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher, Occupational Therapist, and Certified Ergonomic Specialist who provides customized healing for your physical and emotional well-being by removing pain energy or old energy that no longer serves you. With cord removal, inner child work, and energy transformation, people have reported decreased/elimination of their pain, anxiety, and thought patterns, along with a feeling of peace or lightness. Sit with Lori as she connects with Source, Ascended Masters, Angels, & Spirit Guides all while utilizing color, crystals, and sound energy to heal and change the vibration of the dis-ease.

Vendors Coming Soon!
If you are interested in being a vendor the table fee is $25 and there is a link at the top of this webpage.