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Past Events at ESC

Vision Quest 2017

A vision quest is a rite of passage, similar to an initiation, that is practiced in most Native American cultures. It is usually undertaken by an adolescent in the tribe as they aproach adulthood. The questor will be instructed by an older Medicine person and after a period of preparation the girl or boy will seek out a place in the wilderness and spend one to four days in fasting and prayer seeking direction for their life and what role they are to take on among the people.


New Year's Eve Potluck Party!

Saturday, December 31, 2016
7:00 pm – 2:00 am

Everyone is invited to join us at the Enlightened Soul Center to ring in the new year at an alcohol-free potluck party! Group meditation at midnight and other rituals will be offered to release the old and invite the new.

Free (bring food for potluck)

Past-Life Healing TRAINING with Constance Hart

Friday, December 2, 7–9:00 pm
Saturday, December 3, 9:00 am–6:00 pm
Sunday, December 4, 9:00 am–6:00 pm

Learn how to lead others through past-life regressions and facilitate healing or resolution of issues in this life.

$350 (half deposits accepted by Nov. 2)

Guided Mindfulness Meditation

September 15 through November 3

7 pm — 8 pm

Join hypnotherapist and meditation teacher Tina Shafer for an enlightened 8 week adventure as she guides you through the foundational attitudes of mindfulness in meditation. This class is great for beginners and is beneficially refreshing for anyone wishing to include mindfulness into their current meditation practice. Each class begins with breath work, includes a guided meditation, and ends with quiet reflection.

$80 full series, $12 drop-in rate

Spiritual Clearings Level I & II

Sat & Sun, November 12 & 13, 2016

10am –5pm (lunch on your own)

Do you feel stuck in your spiritual growth, career, relationships or finances? If so, this intensive workshop will provide methods that can change your life. Learn techniques for clearing your home and/or business of accumulated negative energies.

$275 early registration by October 12, $300 afterward

Shamanic Dreamwork

4th Mondays July–November 2016, 7:00-9:00 pm
Drop-in, but please RSVP before attending: 
Text (727) 488.5504 or email

Do you have an interest in your dreams? Active Dreamwork is the original synthesis of modern dreamwork and shamanism founded by Robert Moss. We will create a sacred space for you to honor and share your dreams and work with other dreamers in a way that we can again become a dreaming culture.


Muscle Response Testing Level 1 Class with 3R Health

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Have you ever wondered how to muscle test without having to constantly seek the help of a practitioner? If so, this class will teach you just that. Learn how to test your entire body — every organ system and gland. 


Ancestor Workshop — Meet Your Ancestors with Constance Joy Hart

Sunday, October 23, 2016
2:00–5:00 pm

Workshop includes soul journey work with exercises to find patterns and an opportunity to clear blockages and create new contracts for healing the present. 



SPONSORED BY: Body Mind Spirit Guide & Body Mind Spirit Radio, Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room, and the Enlightened Soul Center

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2016 - 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2016 - 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Eastern Michigan University Student Center
900 Oakwood Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197

GET A GIFT BAG valued at $20!
Doors open 30 minutes in advance

$10 Daily Pass / $15 Weekend Pass Children 12–17 years: $5 daily pass College students: $8 daily pass / Under 12 years old: Free

Digging for Treasure with Mara Evenstar

Saturday, October 1, 2016
1:00 - 5:00pm

Experience a unique approach for tapping into the depths of Self through creative expression. You'll go on a creative journey that brings forth images and messages from the unconscious — resulting in two pieces of spiritually meaningful artistic expression. Past participants have raved about this experience, and it is Mara's favorite one to facilitate!


CHINESE FACE-READING: Basics Weekend Seminar

Saturday, September 24, 2016, 11 am – 4 pm
Sunday, September 25, 2016, 11 am – 3 pm

Certification program with Lynda Forbes ~ includes 30-page book!

Face-Reading is a branch of ancient Chinese medicine that imparts the awareness of the connection between our facial features and personality, health, and much more! Learn to recognize personality traits by looking at someone! Helpful for business, for hiring, for dating, for understanding the people in our lives…

$225 discount by 9/3, $250 after

Angelic Soul Retrieval

Saturday, September 17, 2016
10am–5pm (lunch on your own)

Have you experienced an emotional or physical trama and feel like part of you is missing. Whenever we experience trauma, a part of our vital essence/soul separates from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the full impact of the pain. Learn a technique to help recover parts of life energy that are not available to you now, with the assistance of the Angelic Realm.

$100 early registration by 8/17, $125 afterward

“Art from the Heart” Intuitive Painting Series with Susan Sies

Saturday–Sunday, August 27–28, 2016
Saturday 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

At Art from the Heart, you will be encouraged to stimulate the artist within your soul, liberating the spiritual adventurer inside as you take a journey into your own creative source. Three interrelated classes in one weekend!

$155 by August 6 / $180 after + plus $40 for art supplies

ESC Grand Opening

Sunday, August 14 1:00–5:00 pm

We took over the lease in March, spent the spring feathering the nest, and now it's time to show it off to our community! The Enlightened Soul Center (ESC) is pleased to invite you to visit our space and celebrate! Join us for food, door prizes, and surprises!


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2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI 48108 ~ FREE PARKING!
Located halfway between Washtenaw Ave. and Packard St.
© 2016–2025 Enlightened Soul Center & Shop

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