Psychic Saturday Party
Monthly on the 2nd Saturday!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
AND DOOR PRIZES for those who are here in the FIRST & LAST hour!
Admission: $3 at the door
Readings & (when available) Energy Work:
$2/minute* (15-minute minimum)
*Unless otherwise noted
of our next parties:
2nd Saturday of each month!
January 12, 2019 July 13, 2019
February 9, 2019 August 10, 2019
March 9, 2019 Sep. 14, 2019
April 13, 2019 October - SKIP
May 11, 2019 Nov. 9, 2019
June 8, 2019 Dec. 14, 2019

Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!
Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the large sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle".
NOTE: Building number not visible from the road;
follow the white ESC yard signs.
Psychic Saturday Party!!
Join us for a fun-filled day at the Enlightened Soul Center! At our monthly ESC Psychic Parties, we have a variety of readers and healers for your enjoyment, along with occasional vendors for shopping! WHAT A GREAT WAY TO EXPLORE A VARIETY of readings and healings at one time, under one roof!
Sign up for readings and energy work at each individual practitioner's clipboard, centrally located on the main table. Session lengths vary (15 minutes minimum), $2/minute.

Erin DeWitt - Empathic Energy & Oracle Card Reader **NEW to the PARTY!**
Following three strokes in May of this year and a near-death experience in 2015, Erin has become highly sensitive to energy and uses the gift of clairsentience to tune into the energy of a situation. She identifies what needs attention in order to bring about the best possible outcome. Specializing in detecting blockages, she will help clear your energy field while using her oracle cards and working with her guides to help you understand the underlying factors impacting your current circumstances. No perfume or cologne, please — Erin is sensitive to more than just energy. Contact: 734-672-0030 or renwritesreality@gmail.com

Kya French - Astro-Numerologist **NEW to the PARTY!**
Kya French can provide you with a numerology roadmap into your life, discovering numerological DNA patterns and sequences. She will give you a jaw-dropping numerical perspective on career, love, business, finance, and relationships. As a child, she had the amazing ability to remember people by their birthdays, license plates, phone numbers, and street addresses, as well as patterns and sequences of numbers associated with sacred geometry and numerology. She studied and mastered her craft under the personal tutelage of astro-numerologist and author Lloyd Strayhorn, receiving a certification in Astro-Numerology and going on to make media appearances locally, nationally, and internationally. Contact: knowyournumb3rs@gmail.com or 1(866)331-5088

Marielle Gagne' - Mediumship & Medical Intuition
Receive spiritual support and guidance on relationships, career, love and money from your angels, guides, akashic records, and loved ones. Mar also enjoys assisting people on their self-evolvement journey using medical intuition. She is an animal communicator, douser, medium, and channeler. She was certified in Doreen Virtue's Angel Card system and graduated from Tina Zion's Medical Intuition Workshops. Contact her at: 720-212-5256 or marielleg18@gmail.com.

Krysia Hepatica - Tarot & Oracle, Twin Flame & Soulmate Readings
Krysia Hepatica is a lightworker who received the new heart chakra activation and intuitively channels Soulmate/Twin Flames energy through the tarot and oracle cards. Being on a divine partnership journey requires each partner coming from a place of unity within, so she considers herself a Self-Love Coach first and foremost, and intuitively helps clients remove blockages that are keeping them from being in union within themselves.
Her brand, Luxe Odette, is a love story; a self-love story filled with ways to increase self love on her blog, Youtube Channel, Instagram, and Amazon Influencer page.
Rev. Lori is a Medical Intuitive Healer trained in Ann Arbor, MI and Lily Dale, NY. She also is a Holy-Fire Reiki Master Teacher, Occupational Therapist, and Certified Ergonomic Specialist. Lori combines these skills to provide a customized healing to reduce/eliminate symptoms of the body, mind, and soul energy. She specializes in extracting or reducing pain or emotional energies you no longer need and replacing them with a healing color energy. Sessions may also include Cord and Attachment Removal, Inner Child Work, Past-Life Healing, and Energy Transformation, including Sound and Crystal Healing Energy. Clients have reported results such as a decrease in pain, anxiety, thought patterns, and an overall sense of peace, healing, and lightness. For more details, please find her on Facebook @LoriVin or see her website.

Amy Feger - Visionary Energy Healing/Soul Retrieval
Shaman and Reiki Master Amy Feger is a graduate of Irene's Myomassology Institute in Southfield and a skilled Reiki Master. Amy is uniquely able to see energy imprints or DNA memories that your body and soul have been carrying, such as from past-life experiences, and if any weapons were used that have inflicted previous wounds in the soul body that affects your current energy. She can bring the scene into the room and help you integrate your lost soul fraction left behind, called “soul retrieval”. You work together to change the scene to the more loving and symbolic releasing of all involved in it. Amy was also certified in The Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki of the Peruvian Shaman, so she can clear your chakras and work deeply with your spiritual story during energy work sessions. Contact her at amyfegerlmt@gmail.com or (734) 345-1923.

Zilis - Hemp Oil Products
Gold standard hemp oil with CBD (THC free)! Discover hemp oil benefits: Helps with anti-swelling, promotes stable mood, helps with numerous other conditions. UltraCell™: Blends full-spectrum hemp oil with prebiotics and antioxidants, contains a myriad of naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, and fatty acids. Zilis products are made with a proprietary technology that converts oil content into a water-soluble form to maximize bioavailability. Presented by Zilis Ambassador Susan Travis.