Summer Spirit Session with Lisa Elen
Gallery reading with messages from the departed!
Friday, August 25, 2017
7:00–9:00pm / Doors open 6:30 pm
Cost: $15 prepaid by Aug. 24/ $20 at door
QUESTIONS: Amy Garber, 734-358-0218 or metafizzy@gmail.com

LOCATION: Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!
Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle"
What better way to end the summer than to connect with loved ones who have passed into Spirit? Join evidential medium Lisa Elen, and see that love never dies and that life on a soul level is eternal. Spirits always want to connect with their loved ones who are still in the physical. Come and find comfort, and experience the joy of Spirit communication! Lisa will also help you to trust your own connections to Spirit. Bring a friend and plan to have a Spirit-full time!
Lisa Elen is an evidential medium, meaning evidence is provided to validate to the client that the spirit coming through is their loved one. Lisa started seeing spirits at a very young age, but did not embrace her gift until 2009, after the death of a loved one. She began her professional mediumship career in May 2013.
Lisa Elen's Certifications
2012 Reiki I and II Practitioner
2014 Certified Angel Card Reader ™ through Doreen Virtue
2014 James Van Praagh and Tony Stockwell Intensive Mediumship Course
Rahanni Celestial Healing Certification
Advanced Medical Intuition Certification with Tina Zion
Studied Munay-Ki and Universal Shamanism