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"Peace Shield Teachings" Workshop

With Rainbow Eagle, Seventh Fire
Peace Shield Teacher

Sunday, August 12, 2018

10:00am–4:00pm / doors open at 9:30am
Please bring a lunch or food to pass; snacks also for sale 

(The July 29 Intro event is NOT a pre-requisite for attendance)

Cost: $40 advance donation suggested / $50 at the door
(No one will be turned away for lack of funds

Reserve your spot: Pay in advance (Scroll to bottom of box to pay with Credit/Debit Card)

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LOCATION: Enlightened Soul Center

3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!

Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle" 

NOTE: Building number not visible from the road

The Peace Shield Teachings

Rainbow Eagle (Rolland J. Williston) has been honored with the responsibility of an Ancient Native American Peace Shield drawing, which was hidden away in order to be available to all humans after the lighting of the Seventh Fire. These teachings were handed down to him by one of the last Peace Shield Teachers during two winter visits in upper Michigan in the early 1980s. Now that the Seventh Fire of the Anishinabe/Ojibwa traditions has been lit, he is responsible for teaching the traditions and spiritual guidance of the Peace Shield.


Prophesy foretold that in the Seventh Fire time there would be a "New People" who would seek the ancient wisdom in order "to help bring the human family back together again" and "to come into relationship with all life everywhere," including life in the cosmos. At this time, the traditional wisdom and truths of this Peace Shield drawing are to be offered to facilitate a greater understanding of the Great Creator's Divine Plan and to help restore peace and harmony upon our Mother Earth.

About Rainbow Eagle

Rainbow Eagle is an Okla-Choctaw American Indian. His full-blood father was registered with both the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.


Rainbow Eagle has spent most of his life traveling and being among traditional Native Americans, both on and off reservations in the United States and Canada, sharing with traditional people and learning from their most respected elders. He is a revered storyteller and teacher who has shared his knowledge in both traditional and non-traditional ways with many communities across North America. His teachings have taken him to Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, and Italy. Rainbow Eagle was honored to participate in the International UFO Congress in 2011.


Rainbow Eagle follows a vision given to him by the Great Mystery to teach. He and his wife are a leaders of many traditional ceremonies and are responsible for Sacred Bundles. Rainbow Eagle has passed the Peace Shield Teachings to five others who will help carry on these teachings throughout the Seventh Fire.


Rainbow Eagle's second book, "Native American Spirituality: A Walk in the Woods" (now in a special revised edition) includes teachings related to Native American spirituality, Peace Shield teachings, prophecies of both North and South America and spiritual guidance about getting ready for Cosmic Relationships. Buy "A Walk in the Woods" by contacting Rainbow Eagle at


Rainbow Eagle's third book, "The Ancient Roots Of Christianity: A Native American's Look Through Christianity", is also available. His view is that "Until we have the courage to ask questions about our spiritual roots, whether they are from a Christian, Native American or other tradition, we will remain separated from our true spiritual identity." In reference to Christianity, "It's not about finding the most pure form of Christianity; but more about how each individual can experience Yeshua [Jesus] personally." Buy "The Ancient Roots Of Christianity" by emailing Rainbow Eagle directly at

LEARN MORE about Rainbow Eagle at:

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