"Come with Us on a Death Walk" ~ An Offering from Theos
Saturday, January 25, 2020
3:00–6:00pm / doors open 2:45pm
COST: $70 pre-paid only;
includes 3 meditations + snacks
REGISTRATION CLOSED. Questions: Contact presenter Susan White.
Pre-registration deadline EXTENDED TO Friday, January 17! Some preparatory information will be emailed to participants, along with a couple of exercises to be done before the Death Walk.
A minimum number must be paid by January 17 for the event to take place!
Bring an item of sentimental value (read more below)
Susan White, theosanddivinewill@outlook.com or 734-807-0399
LOCATION: Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard Road #280 (2nd floor)
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!
Turn at the driveway next to the US-23 overpass,
at the sign for "Gentle Dental" and "Foot & Ankle"
NOTE: Building number not visible from the road. Our building is on the left in the back, #3820. The entrance faces the expressway overpass.

Who Is Theos?
Theos describes themselves as a group of high beings — Beings of Divine Love, who are also Guides of the Human Race — who speak with One voice and act in accordance with the Divine Plan. They are often humorous and playful in their advice and guidance, but their information is always on the mark.
Theos speaks through a “channel” or “amanuensis”; both these terms describe a person who is telepathically available to hear the Beings who exist in other realms. Channels are usually developed over many lifetimes, bringing forward the ability to hear the Higher Realms and improving with each lifetime.
Theos, as a group, are on the Ray 7/Will to Express in their evolutionary progress. As such, all of their work and techniques derive mainly from the qualities of this Ray & Will, and their goals include those Divine forms that last.
Theos is keenly interested in helping humanity develop and evolve the ability to think scientifically and, ultimately, intuitively. While it is true that all humans think, those folks whose thoughts are calm, disciplined, loving, and kind are still a tiny portion of the majority. This knowledge led Theos to develop The Asceni Method for Cognitive Restructuring Through Cycles (TAM), to help those who are ready to evolve their destructive thoughts and beliefs into kinder, more loving thoughts and beliefs.
About the Death Walk experience:
On this journey, Susan M. White channels Theos, who leads the group through the actual process of death via meditation. We are shown how our physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies are released: which of these bodies go through the “tunnel”, where else our bodies may go, and how we reunite on the other side of the veil with loved ones and our beloved pets. You will understand the reality behind death and what death’s function truly is.
This journey is meant to be a process of healing our fears surrounding death and enabling us to live more fully in this life, especially as we age.
You will be supported and guided by Theos, the Angels they work with, and our “earth-plane helpers,” throughout your Death Walk.
Each participant is asked to bring one item of strong sentimental value with them to this experience. The item is meant to be a "call back" from the meditation. No loose valuables, please. You may wear jewelry of sentimental value, for example, or put in your pocket. Other examples are photos, keepsakes or mementos, a small piece of clothing ... whatever you are very attached to!
There will be an introductory meditation, a preparatory meditation, and then the Death Walk. There will be a short break between the first two meditations and then a longer break with snacks (supplied), before the actual Death Walk.
Pre-registration required! Some preparatory information will be emailed to participants, along with a couple of "exercises" to be done before the Death Walk.
QUESTIONS: Susan White, theosanddivinewill@outlook.com or 734-807-0399
Susan M. White, channel for Theos

Susan was born hearing ~ and seeing ~ things other people don’t. She had these experiences since her very earliest memories, including the first of several near-death experiences (NDEs) at the age of 5. She spent a good many years worrying she was crazy and trying very hard to be “normal.” After being discouraged from talking about the voices she heard or the energy patterns and auras she saw growing up, she made herself “forget” these abilities until a triggering event at the age of 29, her first Saturn return.
Within the next 4 years, her life was rattled to the core with several life-altering events, including another NDE in the form of an auto accident. Subsequently, she moved to California and found her real self, the one she had forgotten. Susan began a journey of discovery ~ or rediscovery ~ of the gifts she was born with: telepathy and the ability to see energy. She's spent the last 23 years developing her ability to hear guidance and studying the Ageless Wisdom, in its many forms.
Susan has been teaching Divine Will classes since 2002, committed to teaching about these life-changing ~ and world-changing ~ energies in California and now here in the Ohio-Michigan area.
Susan also has an ongoing channeling practice with her Guide, Theos, and participates in a study group devoted to researching and developing The Asceni Method, which is the process of cognitive restructuring through Cycles.