Solar Eclipse Evening Event Hosted by Amy Garber, Channeler & Reiki Master
Monday, April 8, 2024
7:00–9:00 pm
COST: $15
Venmo: @Enlightenedsoulcenter
Cash or Card at the door
Paypal or Card online:
Call or text Amy at (734) 358-0218
Enlightened Soul Center & Shop
2711 Carpenter Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Halfway between Washtenaw Ave. and Packard St.Located adjacent to the U-M Credit Union on the east side of Carpenter. Free parking in the back and on the side street! Entrance in the back.
About the Solar Eclipse Evening Event:
* Guided Meditation
* Channeled Messages for the Audience & Planet
* Inauguration of the Casa de Dom Inacio Prayer Triangle
(You may write your own prayers to place behind it)
Importance of the Eclipse
Eclipses are often seen as times to let go of old patterns, beliefs, or aspects of life that no longer serve one's highest good. As the sun is eclipsed, so are things in our lives that go against our authenticity and True Self. We can use this time to consciously release these aspects. This particular Aries eclipse is a massive portal of transformation and a catalyst for awakening, and a positive energetic event for the planet. We can take this opportunity to come together in community and increase the positive energy that is available to us and send it out into the world.
Guided Meditation
Participants can get comfortable in a chair or sit against a wall on a meditation cushion on the floor (provided by the Center) to relax and listen to a guided meditation by Amy Garber. The meditation will aid us to share in the energy of the Solar Eclipse and the transformations that can result from this unique cosmic phenomenon. People who have trouble meditating on their own can usually succeed in getting into a calm, Alpha brain wave state by listening to the words and directions in a guided meditation. By increasing our vibration through a meditation, it helps us in our daily lives and to radiate this peace into our world.
Channeled Messages
Amy Garber and possibly some of her students will give channeled messages to the audience. A Voice Channeler speaks messages out loud while allowing entities to "share" their consciousness. Entities such as angels, spirit guides, extraterrestrials, and other high-vibration beings are among those who work with Voice Channelers. Many people consider channeled material (spoken and written) to be superior to other forms of spiritual information because it is a more pure, direct communication from Spirit, without the ego's interference. What makes voice channeling different from mediumship (connecting with departed loved ones) and other types of readings is that Vice Channelers invite Spirit to share their body and consciousness, use their voice to speak, and sometimes to move their hands or bodies while speaking too.
Casa de Dom Inacio Prayer Triangle
For the first time at the Center, the Casa de Dom Inacio Prayer Triangle will be installed and available for use. (See photo above.) Be among the first ones to tuck your prayers behind this wooden object, which will be located on the water wall when you first walk into the Center. This Prayer Triangle came from the Casa de Dom Inacio, a Spiritist Center in Brazil, where miraculous healing work has been experienced by thousands of people around the world for decades. The triangles are communications portals to send prayers to the hundreds of healing entities of light and love at the Casa. When we ask for help through the Prayer Triangles, the Entities of Light send out teams of Spirit workers to assist all the souls involved in the work of healing, love, forgiveness, and anything that is needed to bring us back to balance. This work transcends this lifetime and reaches into our past lifetimes as well, according to one source.
Call or text Amy at (734) 358-0218